
Namirial digital signature: the new Namirial Sign software

How to make easier validating and sharing documents in the era of digital transformation
Namirial Digital Signature
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From handwritten signature to Namirial Digital Signature

Today, in the era of digital transformation, smartworking and document dematerialization, validating and sharing documents are easier thanks to Namirial Digital Signature. This tool streamlines and simplifies relations between public administrations, businesses and citizens, also eliminating the costs of managing paper files.

What is a Digital Signature? It is a type of qualified electronic signature (QES) that can be defined as “A particular type of advanced electronic signature based on an encrypted system, which allows the owner and the recipient to make manifest and verify the provenance of a contract/computer document and its and integrity.

The affixing of such a signature replaces that of seals, punches, stamps, and marks of any kind. For generating such a signature it is necessary to use a qualified certificate that, at the time of signing, has not expired in validity, or has not been revoked or suspended.

The Namirial Digital Signature fully replaces the handwritten signature on paper and allows you to sign, in a few seconds and via pc or smartphone, any digital document (i.e.: electronic invoices, corporate acts or insurance policies). It guarantees the identity of the subscriber, the provenance of the document and the inalterability of the information it contains. In other words, the Digital Signature has the same level of authenticity, integrity, non-repudiation and legal validity as the handwritten one.

However, there are substantial differences between the two. For the handwritten signature, the verification is subjective and must be notarized to prevent non-repudiation. On the other hand, the verification of a Digital Signature is objective and rely on a trusted third party (the Certifier). In this case the repudiation is possible through a lawsuit of forgery. In addition, the handwritten signature is easily forged, while the Digital Signature can be forged only with prior knowledge of the private key.

In fact, a QES is based on a system of asymmetric keys, one private and one public. The former is known only to the holder and is used to generate the signature, while the latter is used to verify the authenticity of the signature. This system ensures the security of the data transfer since the public key cannot be used to reconstruct the private key.

“Local” or “remote” Digital Signature: what are the differences?

To sign electronic documents, you can choose between two different types of Digital Signature:

  • Local“: you can generate the signature using tools that guarantee an adequate level of security, such as tokens or smart cards and special readers;
  • Remote“: for Remote Digital Signature you don’t need a physical medium, but just a device with an Internet connection, a signature software to select the texts to be signed, and a One Time Password generated by token or application, which guarantees the security of operations.

All natural persons can get a Digital Signature by turning to accredited trust service providers. These are public or private entities that issue qualified certificates and authentication certificates.


How to use the Digital Signature? The new Namirial Sign software

Namirial Sign is Namirial Digital Signature innovative application that allows you to digitize your work and everyday life, for free and from a single platform.

With Namirial Sign you can:

  • Digitally sign one or more files in any standard (PadES, CadES, XadES);
  • Timestamp your signed files;
  • Check the validity of digitally signed files;
  • Use physical signing devices or Remote Signature;
  • Securely share any file
  • Activate cloud storage or regulatory storage.

Here are the main benefits of Namirial Sign:

  • A complete application: Namirial Sign has all the features you need to better manage your documents, from Digital signature to time stamping, archiving and more;
  • Versatility: Namirial Sign is available as a desktop app and a web version. You can use it also from your smartphone wherever you are;
  • Free: the main features of Namirial Sign are available for free, but you can upgrade to the Premium plan whenever you want.

Moreover, the Premium version of Namirial Sign gives you access to advanced features and improve even more your work. Indeed, you can:

  • Sign more than 3 documents at a time;
  • View XML files in advanced mode;
  • Edit fields in PDF files;
  • Convert files to PDF/A format;
  • Group and merge files;
  • Support external clouds (GoogleDrive, One Drive, iCloud);
  • Manage folders that will be signed;
  • Securely share encrypted files;
  • Remove advertising.

You can download Namirial Sign to your pc or use it from your web browser on your smartphone as well.

– “Are you looking for the ideal signing tool to digitally sign your important documents? Discover Namirial Sign, our innovative Digital Signature application.”