
The remote digital signature

What is a Remote Digital Signature? Why is it useful? How can you activate one? In this blog post we tell you everything you need to know.
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What is a remote digital signature?

A digital signature is the computer version of a handwritten signature. It has the same legal value and it certifies the validity of a message or digital document, guaranteeing its authenticity, non-repudiation and integrity.

The remote digital signature is a particular and innovative type of digital signature that allows you to sign digital documents in a simple, fast and secure way through a device (smartphone, tablet or PC) connected to the Internet.


How the remote digital signature works and what it can be used for

The remote digital signature works with a digital signature certificate located in a secure server (based on a HSM – Hardware Security Module) and an OTP (One Time Password) device that can be used via smartphone.

A One Time Password is a disposable password, valid for a single login session or a transaction. It expires a few seconds after being generated, thus eliminating the problems and risks related to the common static passwords.

Activation times are quick and the remote digital signature is valid for three years from the date of issue. However, if you send a request 90 days before the expiration date, it can be renewed for another three years.

The supported signature formats are three:

  • PAdES
  • CAdES
  • XAdES

Among the documents that can be subscribed remotely with the Remote Digital Signature are: legal proceedings, administrative documents and company financial statements, electronic invoices, applications for participation public exams, contracts for telephone or energy utilities, insurance policies and banking services, funding requests, etc.

Main differences between the Digital Signature and the Remote Digital Signature

The Remote Digital Signature is a simple and immediate tool that you can use without installing specific hardware.

In fact, unlike the Digital Signature, it is not necessary to purchase a physical tool, such as a business key or a smart card with a reader. On the contrary, all you need is a device connected to the Internet, a signature software to select the texts you want to sign and a One Time Password generated by a token or an app that guarantees the security.

Remember that the Remote Digital Signature does not manage the Italian CNS (Carta Nazionale dei Servizi) certificate. This certificate is on a smart card and allows you to access the websites of the Italian Public Administration, such as those of the Income Revenue Authority or the Chamber of Commerce.


Namirial Remote Signature: the three-year pack or the disposable one

With Namirial you can authenticate your Remote Digital Signature 24/7. You can do it using SPID (the Italian Public Digital Identity System) or CIE (the Italian Electronic Identity Card). You can choose between the three-year pack or the exclusive disposable Remote Signature.

Here are the main features of the two Namirial offers:

Three-year Remote Signature

The Three-Year Remote Signature lasts 36 months and can be used on computers, smartphones and tablets. To authenticate it, you can choose, at no additional cost, one of the following methods:

  • SPID (Italian Public Digital Identity System)
  • CIE/EIC (Electronic Identity Card)
  • CNS (Italian National Service Card)
  • Digital signature
  • Video Identification

The Namirial Remote Signature uses a One Time Password authentication, considered the strongest and most secure method for accessing computer systems. This depends on the fact that passwords are generated and destroyed directly within the OTP devices.

You can generate the OTP code via:

  • OTP SMS: you receive an SMS with the code on your mobile phone;
  • PHYSICAL OTP: you generate the code directly on the device by pressing a button;
  • VIRTUAL OTP: through the Namirial OTP App.

Disposable Digital Signature

It uses a particular qualified certificate, called ‘Disposable’, which lasts no longer than 60 minutes. With the Disposable Digital Signature service you can subscribe online a PDF document or an XML file not exceeding 10MB in size.

The Disposable Digital Signature supports these formats:

  • PAdES
  • CAdES
  • XAdES

The PAdES format allows you to add a signature logo to the document by selecting the ‘Apply Signature’ button during the process.

Furthermore, Namirial offers an advanced signature mode for documents of a maximum of 10 pages that allows you to affix, in PAdES mode, up to 5 signatures with graphic output.

To use the service you need an active Italian SPID identity, created by Namirial or by another AgID accredited managers, or an Electronic Identity Card (EIC). In the second case, you also need the EIC PIN and an NFC card reader for computers or a smartphone equipped with NFC technology.