
How to quickly and securely activate your digital signature

A digital signature is a particular type of advanced electronic signature, which allows to access a IT document and verify its integrity
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What is a digital signature?

The digital signature is a tool essential for the corporate digitalization. Thanks to the dematerialization of paper documents and the spread of new IT tools, it has simplified relationships between the Public Administration, businesses and citizens. Indeed, workflows are now faster and more efficient, resulting in savings in time and money.

What is the digital signature? The qualified electronic signature (QES) is the result of an IT procedure, called validation. This procedure guarantees the authenticity, integrity and non-repudiation of electronic documents. The digital signature is a type of qualified electronic signature provided only in Italy and regulated by the Italian Digital Administration Code (CAD), which defines it as “a particular type of advanced electronic signature based on an encrypted system, which allows the owner and recipient to make manifest and verify the origin and integrity of a contract / IT document“.

In other words, it is the computer equivalent of a handwritten signature on paper. In fact, it has the same legal value: the affixing of the digital signature guarantees the identity of the signatory, the origin of the document and the inalterability of the information in it.

Art. 24 of the CAD establishes that the digital signature must uniquely refer to a single subject and to the document or set of documents to which it is affixed or associated. In addition, it specifies that the affixing replaces that of seals, punches, stamps, marks and trademarks for any purpose required by current legislation.

Furthermore, par. 3 of the same article states that “for the generation of the digital signature, a qualified certificate must be used which, at the time of signing, must not be expired, revoked or suspended“.


How to obtain the digital signature and who to contact?

All natural persons (citizens, managers and employees of public and private companies), who need to have signature devices to sign digital documents, can request it.

The Agency for Digital Italy (AgID) explains on its website that anyone wishing to have an Italian digital signature device must contact an accredited provider. These are public or private entities that, under the supervision of AgID, issue qualified certificates and authentication certificates (for the Italian National Service Card – CNS).

This type of qualified electronic signature works with a pair of asymmetrical digital keys uniquely attributed to a subject, called the owner:

  • Private Key: to generate the signature to affix to the document. Only the owner has access to it;
  • Public Key: to verify the authenticity of the signature.

This is the double key cryptography, which guarantees total security since the public key does not allow to trace the private key.

The “local” or “remote” use of the digital signature

You can use two different types of qualified electronic signature to sign electronic documents:

  • Local“: it is a signature generated with tools that guarantee an adequate level of security, such as tokens or smart cards with a special reader;
  • Remote”: you don’t need specific tools for this digital signature. In fact, all you need is a device with an Internet connection, a signature software to select the texts to sign, and a One Time Password, generated by token or app, which guarantees the security of operations.

When to use the digital signature?

The digital signature can be used for:

  • Electronic invoices;
  • Financial statements and corporate deeds;
  • Purchase orders;
  • Legal proceedings;
  • Communications by financial operators to the Income Revenue Authority;
  • Communications between companies and the Public Administration;
  • Denunciations and declarations of change of residence;
  • Requests for contributions;
  • Contracts (for example: telephone or energy utilities);
  • Minutes of meetings;
  • Tender notices;
  • Underwriting of insurance policies and banking services.

How to activate the digital signature: solutions by Namirial

Namirial is one of the available accredited providers in Italy. It offers various solutions to activate the digital signature online in a few minutes, 24/7:


Remote Signature

  • no shipping
  • no device required
  • you can do everything on your smartphone
  • it lasts 3 years

Remote Signature

  • shipping included
  • it also works as the Italian CNS
  • ideal for fixed workstations
  • it lasts 3 years

Signature on USB Token

  • shipping included
  • it also works as the Italian CNS
  • signature working on any computer
  • it lasts 3 years

Here are the advantages of the Namirial digital signature:

  • Wide range of possibilities: Namirial meets every need: from signing on a smart card, ideal for fixed workstations, to remote signature to manage files and documents directly from your smartphone;
  • Flexibility: with Namirial you can choose a 3-year-valid signature or an instant signature to sign a document “on the fly” at a low price;
  • Recognition included: you can identify yourself using a digital signature you already own with the Italian SPID, CIE, CNS. Or you can rely on our operators who may help you via webcam at no additional cost.