
Legally compliant archiving and stamp tax in Italy

How to calculate stamp duty and how to pay it
Man jumping the obstacle to obtain legally compliant archiving and stamp tax in Italy.
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All documents subject to legally compliant archiving, i.e. the journal, inventory book and electronic invoices without VAT charge of more than 77,47 Euro, are subject to the new rules for stamp duty in Italy.

F24 and payment of stamp duty

The decree of 17 June 2014 of the Ministry of Economy and Finance has:

  • abolished the obligation of prior notification to the Inland Revenue and the payment of stamp duty with advance and balance.
  • set the deadline for the payment of stamp duty to 120 days from the end of the financial year.
  • established the payment of stamp duty in a single tranche, as the balance.
  • established the telematic F24 as the only way to pay the stamp.

The taxpayer with legally compliant archiving of the tax-related documents must communicate this through the tax return for the tax period in question.

How to calculate stamp duty?

Newspaper Book: 1 stamp of 16,00 Euro for every 2.500 accounting records.

Inventory Book: 1 stamp of 16,00 Euro for every 2.500 accounting records. In this regard, the Inland Revenue has specified to consider “accounting records” all those elements that conceptually correspond to it.

Sales invoices: 1 stamp of 2,00 Euro, to be affixed to each invoice exempt from VAT with a total of more than 77,47 Euro. This tax can also be paid digitally. The electronic invoices for which it is mandatory to pay stamp duty will report the annotation: “Stamp duty paid virtually in accordance with the Ministerial Decree of 17 June 2014”.


How to fill in F24 for stamp duty

Summing up the amounts due for the newspaper book, the inventory book and the electronic invoices, the stamp duty will be indicated in a single line using the telematic F24 model.

The new Tax Code 2501 called “Stamp duty on books, registers and other documents relevant for tax purposes – Article 6 of the Decree of 17 June 2014” is to be included in the “Tax” section of the F24 form, with the corresponding reference tax period.

With Resolution no. 32/E of 23 March 2015, the Revenue Agency also introduced the Tax Code 2502 and the Tax Code 2503 relating to penalties and interest, to allow the regularisation of tax compliance by applying an active repudiation for late payment, in cases where the prescribed deadlines have not been respected.