
5 benefits of digital signature for small and medium enterprises

The Digital Signature is a type of qualified electronic signature (QES) available only in Italy. A great tool for the digital transformation.
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Digitization of business documents: what is the digital signature?

To face the challenges of an increasingly competitive market, small and medium-sized enterprises must digitally redesign their daily workflows and use specific tools, such as the Digital Signature, to ensure correct document management.

What is the digital signature? The Digital Signature is the computer equivalent of a handwritten signature on paper and has the same legal value. In fact, the affixing of the digital signature guarantees the identity of the subscriber, the origin of the document and the inalterability of its information.

The Digital Signature is a type of qualified electronic signature (QES) available only in Italy and regulated by the Digital Administration Code (CAD). The CAD defines it as “a particular type of advanced electronic signature based on an encrypted system, which allows the owner and recipient to make manifest and verify the origin and integrity of a contract / IT document”.

Specifically, art. 24 of the CAD states that the Digital Signature refers only to a single subject and to the document (or set of documents) to which it is affixed. The affixing of the signature replaces the affixing of seals, punches, stamps, marks and trademarks of any kind for any purpose required by current legislation.

In addition, par. 3 of the same article states that “The generation of the digital signature requires a qualified certificate which, at the time of signing, has not expired, is not revoked or suspended“.

Furthermore, two different types of Digital Signature are available for signing electronic documents, such as electronic invoices, financial statements, company deeds, communications between companies and the Public Administration, contracts and calls for tenders:

  • Local”: the signature is generated using tools that guarantee an adequate level of security, such as tokens or smart cards with a special reader;
  • Remote”: does not require the purchase of physical media. All you need is a device connected to the internet, a signature software to select the texts and a One Time Password generated by tokens or applications that guarantee the security of operations.

Digital signature: 5 benefits for small and medium enterprises

According to a monitoring by the Agency for Digital Italy (AgID), which periodically analyzes the data from the accredited certifiers, in 2020 the active Digital Signature devices and the qualified certificates exceeded 22 million in Italy.So, the digital signature is at the center of digital transformation. It has simplified the relationships between Public Administration, companies and private citizens, making workflows faster and more efficient with a saving of time and money.

Here are the 5 benefits of the Digital Signature for SMEs:

  1. Easy to use. It cuts the costs of electronic document validation processes and can be used with easily installable devices;
  2. Fast transmission. It is important for those businesses that sign a large number of documents;
  3. Economic saving. It cuts the costs of paper management, contributing to the protection of the ecosystem;
  4. Versatility. It can sign different types of documents, such as financial statements, contracts, invoices, purchase orders;
  5. Easier communication between companies and Public Administration. It manages the digital signature certificate and the Italian CNS (National Service Card) which allows to use public services and communicate more easily with authorities in Italy.

Digital Signature for SMEs: the solutions by Namirial

Namirial is one of the trust service providers available in Italy. We offers various solutions to activate the digital signature online and in a few minutes, 24/7:


Remote Signature

  • No shipping required;
  • No device needed;
  • Do everything with your smartphone;
  • 3 years duration;

Signature on Smart Card

  • Shipping included;
  • It also works as the Italian CNS;
  • Ideal for fixed workstation;
  • 3 years duration;

Signature on USB Token

  • Shipping included;
  • It also works as the Italian CNS;
  • Sign on any computer;
  • 3 years duration;

Here are the benefits of the Namirial digital signature:

  1. Completeness. Namirial’s offer responds to every need. From smart card signature, ideal for fixed workstations, to remote signature to manage files and documents directly from your smartphone;
  2. Flexibility. With Namirial you can choose whether to get a 3-year valid signature or an instant signature to sign a document “on the fly” at a low price;
  3. Recognition included in the price. You can identify yourself with another digital signature, with the Italian SPID, CIE, CNS, or with the help of one of our operators through a webcam session at no additional cost.